Saturday, March 5, 2016

Baldwin City Republicans and Democrats Caucus

The Douglas County Republicans met between 10A.M. and 2 P.M. on March 5 in Lawrence and Baldwin City. The majority of Baldwin City Republicans made their way to the Baldwin City Library (800 7th) to caucus at that location. Unlike the the main Lawrence location, where some Baldwin City Republicans attended as well, there was no speakers.
Joel Austin of Baldwin City casts his ballot
in the Republican Caucus in Baldwin City.
Photographer Kevin Surbaugh
Ahead of the 10 A.M. start time, Republicans started lining up at 9:30 A.M.  at the Baldwin City location.
The Baldwin City location ran out of ballots, so they had to scramble to get more ballots.
At least one Democrat, who showed up at the Baldwin City location, was complaining that the caucus was illegal, because he couldn't vote at the Republican caucus in Baldwin City instead of going of having to go to Eudora. Stating during his rant that the secret ballot and lack of Democrats being able to vote locally was illegal.

Locally the results were as follows:
Ted Cruz  224
Donald Trump 114
Marco Rubio 57
John Kasich 56
Ben Carson  8
Jeb Bush      1
Uncommitted 1
 The above counts do not include the provisional ballots counts, that will be counted after verification.
Ted Cruz  35,207
Donald Trump 17,062
Marco Rubio  12,189
John Kasich 7,795
 The above counts do not include the provisional ballots counts, that will be counted after verification.

photographer Kevin Surbaugh
The Douglas County Democrats met at 1 p.m., with caucusing beginning at 3:30. Separating into the three Senate districts, the Democrats meet in Lawrence, Eudora and Topeka. Baldwin City Democrats made their way to Eudora High School (2203 Church St) to caucus at that location.
 In Eudora, after 1,523 Democrats were credentialed voters began listening to speakers and dividing unto two sides of the gymnasium. Eventually, after all speakers made their case for their candidate, heads were counted and Bernie Sanders prevailed in the Eudora location.
Bernie Sanders 1192
Hilary Clinton 331
Bernie Sanders 26,450
Hilary Clinton 12,593

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