Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Kansas Governor Brownback Issues Statement in Regards

Kevin Surbaugh

Since President Donald Trump took office, he has taken a lot of criticism for issuing a temporary travel ban for those traveling from seven countries, which are listed as terrorist states. In response Kansas Governor Sam Brownback issued the following statement:
“It has always been my desire for America to be a haven for those facing religious persecution and a refuge for those seeking freedom. But, we are also a sovereign nation, and as Governor of the state, the safety and security of Kansans has been my top priority. That is why I previously issued an executive order barring state resources from being utilized to relocate those from countries compromised by terrorism.

Now, President Trump is taking action to ensure the integrity of the refugee program, calling for the implementation of thorough and comprehensive vetting, seeking to ensure true refugees are coming to America, while blocking those intent on doing us harm. Unlike the previous administration, President Trump is inviting state and local governments to play a broader role in the refugee resettlement process. This step, along with his prioritization of persecuted religions, indicates his commitment to helping those in need, while keeping America safe.”

Since Trump issued the order there has been protests at airports across the country, including at KCI in Kansas City, Missouri. In addition, Facebook has been a hotbed of opinion, both in support and criticism. 

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