Monday, October 10, 2016

Review: Nixon's Nixon

On the night of October 9, 2016, my wife and I had an opportunity to visit the Baker University campus to attend the play, Russell Lees' Nixon's Nixon in Rice Auditorium. We parked in the rear, and used the handicapped accessible entrance. It was a difficult jaunt for my wife's particular handicap. Then once inside, we found the majority of the seats, including the handicapped seating roped off. Forcing my wife to essentially sit in her seat sideways, with her legs in the aisle.
However, once we got seated and the play started we listened intently to the two performers. The scenario of which centers on the night before President Richard Nixon announces his resignation, and he has summoned Secretary of State Henry Kissinger to the Lincoln Sitting Room. Kissinger arrives, expecting to find his President ready to resign. But Nixon is in the process of wrestling with that very decision. Kissinger is trying to convince Nixon to step down so that he can pursue his own political goals and his own place in history.
Jason Shipps portrayal of Nixon was fantastic as was Noah Hastings portrayal of Kissinger.
Over all, the wife and I both enjoyed the play, except for the amount of foul language. While, it is well documented that Nixon loved using the F bomb and the S word, we didn't expect the language to be used so pervasively in a play at a Methodist College, such as Baker.
As for the the accessibility issue, perhaps next time, they will remember to leave handicapped seating available to those that are handicapped. 

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