Friday, May 5, 2017

Special Use Permits Take Center Stage at Baldwin City Council Meeting

Kevin Surbaugh

The Baldwin City Council made quick work of most of the May 2, 2017 consent agenda. Which included a special use permit for a newly named car show, "Route 56 Baldwin City Car Show: Classic Cars and Classic Streets."   Being described as back to city bricks, the new name eliminates the provocative name some council members were concerned about. The new show is scheduled for July 8, 2017, between noon and 4 P.M.  The event concentrates along High Street between Eighth and Sixth Streets and Eighth Street between Grove and High with use of the Lotatorium, 710 High Street.
Linda Craighead, Kansas Department of Tourism and Travel
speaks to the Baldwin City Council.
Photographer Kevin Surbaugh

The council also heard from Linda Craighead, Kansas Department of Tourism and Travel, addressing the council about "the importance of tourism." During her talk, she told the council that a big concern is that many people don't know what they have in their own hometowns. She gave an example of how when she goes to the convenience store, she always goes inside. Even though she pays at the pump, she goes inside, and asks the clerk, what there is to do in the town she is in. The usual answer, more often then not is, "Nothing."  Making the point, that impression is something that has to be changed. In Baldwin City, she said, to think about Midland Railway, the Maple Leaf Festival and all the people they bring in every year.  Then think about every thing else that attracts them.
To grow a city, the city must start with tourism, Graighead told the council. Some things that other Kansas communities has done are things like "Flames in the Flint Hills,"where tourists pay as much as $250 per ticket.
How many people have ridden in a combine these days? Graighead suggested people will pay to ride in combines pr rent out a barn for a party. Noting that there is even a liability waiver from the state for agribusinesses.
The council adjourned around 8:30 P.M.

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