Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Readers Ask

Recently, Trina Jameson emailed the Baldwin Gazette to ask,
What's the Plan for the old Rochester Gas Station Site? Can you get any scoop?

The first thing we had to figure out was where the old station was. We asked council member David Simmons, who said,
I believe it is the property directly south of the grocery store.

Which is one of the two locations we suspected. The estimated address according to Google Maps is 719 Ames. With that information, we began trying to track down an answer for Ms. Jameson. We reached out to the Stephens Real Estate agent who had the property listed. His response was that he refused to release that information without the buyers permission.  He then removed the for sale/contract pending sign.
Since property ownership is public information, I turned my focus to the Douglas County Register of Deeds, who was unable find a new purchase information since 2014.
We then  turned to Tina Rakes, Baldwin City zoning and codes administrator, who hadn't heard anything concrete. Just vague rumors that she would not feel comfortable repeating.

At this time the sellers and selling agent are being very tight lipped as to who the purchaser is or what might be going there.  The Gazette however, will keep watching this developing story. 

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