Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Please be Aware: Loud Booms on April 20th

Liz Mather contacted the Gazette so that the public, in general, would be aware, that Friday, April 20th is History Day at the Baldwin Elementary complex.There will be Civil War re-enactors present as there has been for the past several years. Sometime between 8 and 12 noon, they will shoot off their cannon.
Photo via/courtesy of Wikipedia
The cannon causes a loud boom that can be heard for a few miles around the area and always causes calls to the police department and city hall. Please consider this as a heads up and don't panic/ The loud noise is part of the children's education.
Baldwinites you have been given a heads up as to what is to come please don't panic over a loud boom the morning of the 20th. It's all for the sake of your child's education.- Liz Mather, former Baldwin area resident and friend of the enactors

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