Monday, January 29, 2018

Baldwin School Board Fills Kruger Vacancy

Kevin Surbaugh

After only four members of the Baldwin USD 348 School Board showed up to their regularly scheduled meeting last week, a special meeting was scheduled for the night January 29, 2018.  The purpose of the special meeting was to interview the three candidates who had applied to replace Greg Kruger, who resigned from the board when he moved to Lawrence. Since he is not in the district any longer he could no longer sit on the school board.
The three candidates who submitted letters of interest and appeared before the board were Phillip Harvey,  Jamie Cox, and Carrie Stevens.

Phillip Harvey an oral surgeon at Oral Surgery Kansas In his letter of interest he said,
Phillip Harvey
as the father of four current USD 348 students with an additional waiting in the wings, I have a vested interest in the continued success of our school district. I will be the parent of a Bulldog student for the next 20 years. As a surgeon, my daily life requires critical thinking and decisive decision making.
He told the board during his interview, that he was blessed to get lots of good education and he feels this is the way to pay it back.

Carrie Stevens is the wife of City Council-Member A. J. Stevens. Stevens, who has a law degree works as the Director of University Compliance at Ottawa University.  In her letter of interest, she wrote in length of her experience saying,
Carrie Stevens
I have a unique skill set that can help the local schools as we face harder financial times which will require tougher choices in resource allocation. 

Jamie Cox is a mom of four children, she is a member of the Baldwin PTO and her husband is a teacher in Olathe. She has a Masters of Business Administration.  In her letter of interest, she said,
Jamie Cox
the most important being to have the ability to have a voice in our community in which my family resides and the schools that my children attend. 
Board-member Kelly Bethel-Smith said the good thing is that there isn't a bad candidate, using air quotes, as she said, bad candidate. She continued by saying this is not how she would want to get on the board. Rather she would prefer to run a campaign, where she would have better control on the message over a period of time.
Bethel-Smith made a motion, seconded by Board President Nick Harris to nominate Phillip Harvey as the new board meeting, which passed on a vote of 5 to 1. Chris Perry cast the dissenting vote.

The new filled board then decided to move the Presidents Day Board meeting to February 12, 2018, on a vote of 7-0.

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