Saturday, August 26, 2017

Walmart and the Walmart Foundation Announce at least $1 million towards Hurricane Harvey Relief and Recovery


Bentonville, AR - In anticipation of Hurricane Harvey, Walmart and the Walmart Foundation have made a commitment to provide support for relief efforts through cash and product donations of at least $1 million to organizations helping in response to the severe weather impacting Texas and Louisiana. As a part of this commitment, Walmart is working closely with organizations like the American Red Cross, Salvation Army, and Convoy of Hope while coordinating efforts with elected officials and governmental entities to help meet the needs of those affected. We are supporting these organizations in addressing immediate needs in the community and will continue to monitor in the coming days to provide additional assistance.
“We are concerned for the people in the path of this potentially devastating storm,” said Kathleen McLaughlin, Chief Sustainability Officer at Walmart and President of the Walmart Foundation. “We are actively supporting local response efforts and will continue to be there for our customers, friends, family, fellow associates and neighbors in the Gulf Coast.”
Walmart has a long history of providing aid in times of disasters, helping communities prepare and recover by donating emergency supplies, such as food and water, home and personal products. Since 2005, Walmart and the Walmart Foundation have donated more than $60 million in cash and in-kind donations in response to disaster events.

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