Monday, June 26, 2017

Baldwin Farmer Directs America's Farmers Grow Communities Donation to BESPC

Press Release 

Baldwin City, KS - Douglas County farmer Allen Osborn has won the opportunity to direct a $2,500 donation from America's Farmers Grow Communities program, sponsored by the Monsanto Fund, to Baldwin Elementary - Primary Center (BES-Primary Center).
BES-Primary Center will use the funds to further develop the Prairie Restoration areas adjacent to the school. Trails and signage providing information about the native plants and animals of the area will be included.

“We want to thank Allen Osborn for directing this donation to BES-Primary Center. This gift allows us to further develop our Prairie Restoration areas. These areas will be used to provide a native environmental area for K-12 students, as well as community members, to better understand the history of Kansas through its environment, plants and animals native to Kansas, and Kansas early peoples,” said Deb Ehling-Gwin, BES-Primary Center principal.

The Grow Communities program’s purpose is to make a positive impact in farm communities by partnering with farmers to support the causes that are important to them in their communities. Each year, farmers enter for a chance to win a $2,500 donation that they direct to a local nonprofit.

Since the program began in 2010, farmers have directed more than $26 million in donations across a broad cross-section of organizations that reflect the makeup and character of rural America, including food bank, emergency response organizations, schools, youth agriculture programs and many others.

“Farmers have directed funds to more than 8,000 community organizations across rural America since Grow Communities began,” said Al Mitchell, Monsanto Fund president. “Farmers are truly committed to this program because they see the difference the donation makes in their community.”

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