Friday, December 5, 2014

Miracle on Kansas was Spectacular.

photo by Kevin Surbaugh
The night of November 29, 2014 was a fun night for all those that attended the festivities of Miracle on Kansas in downtown Topeka. Rhe night started out at 5 pm with the annual Rescue Mission Run. At 5:30 the Christmas tree was lit. Normally in front of Westar, the tree was moved this year to the Capitols north lawn due to the construction that has been happening on Kansas Ave.

photo by Kevin Surbaugh
Followed by the parade, which this year made a loop around the Capitol complex. According to the promotional press release, spectators would be allowed to park along the parade route for the first time ever.  Making it sound as those with mobility issues would not have to try to walk or move about in pain for 2-3 blocks.  However, while it was technically true, what one would have to do is to be there and parked prior to the 3 pm shutting of the roads.  The closest we were able to get was the state parking lot (by the Judicial Center) on the South side of the state house. Then make our way to the North side.  Which is fine if a handicapped person is in a wheelchair or other mobility device, but for those who use crutches and whose knees don't bend, that creates a lot of pain. The last thing I want is to sound negative, but with this blogs ite also focusing on mobility issues, it is important to be openly honest in the facts. 
photo by Kevin Surbaugh

With that I hope that you enjoy these pictures from the night.  The tree was beautiful and the the parade was spectacular.

photo by Kevin Surbaugh

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