Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Survey Reveals Top Five Phone Scams People Fall Victim To In Kansas

Press Release

With 89% of people in Kansas receiving between 5 and 30 nuisance calls per week, telephone scams are still causing major problems for consumers. The issue has become so widespread that almost a fifth of Kansas adults admit they have been a victim of a telephone scam.

The YouGov survey commissioned by CPR Call Blocker, makers of the best selling call blocking device in the US, also revealed the top five scams people are falling victim to in Kansas:  

  •   Internal Revenue scam
  • Credit/loan scam
  • Robocall/automated messages scam
  • Lottery/sweepstake scam
  • Missed call scam

Many of these scams rely on the victim handing over personal and security details or asking the victim to pay a processing fee or call back on a premium rate line.

While many of us are becoming increasingly savvy when it comes to spotting a scam, 17% of those questioned have lost money to scams in the last 12 months. Of those, 23% lost less than $100, 22% lost between $100 and $500, but 27% lost between $500 and $10,000, with 4% were scammed out of over $10,000.

Bryony Hipkin at CPR Call Blocker, comments: "Scam and nuisance phone calls continue to be a major problem for consumers in Kansas and it's often the most vulnerable people in society who are falling victim to telephone scams. Scammers have a real knack of finding people when they are at their weakest and most vulnerable and they really exploit that. I want to encourage people to stay in touch with their senior loved ones. A lot of scammers are using the tactic of getting to know that person, becoming a friend to them and then on the fourth or fifth call they start making the request.

"Our customer base tends to be those aged 55 and over who want to eliminate nuisance and scam calls for good. By being able to block nuisance phone numbers through the touch of a button, our customers have seen a 90%-100% reduction in the number of calls received depending on how they choose to use the product.

"If you're contacted out of the blue, be suspicious and never respond to an unsolicited call. Don't assume a caller is genuine because they have information about you such as your account details. Never give out personal information when answering an incoming call and if you're not convinced the call is genuine, hang up and call back using the official phone number of the organisation calling from their website or any paperwork you have such as statements."

CPR Call Blocker's industry leading technology prevents nuisance and scam calls through a device attached to a customer's phone. When a nuisance call is received, customers press a button on the call blocker which permanently blocks incoming calls from that number. The device is already pre-programmed with up to 2,000 of the most notorious scam phone numbers and can store up to an additional 1,500 nuisance numbers.

CPR Call Blocker is the bestselling and most trusted call blocker brand worldwide. The CPR suite of call blockers are available from CallBlockerUSA and Amazon.

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